Medeltemperaturen den senaste veckan -34
Den senaste veckan har kylan lagt sig över oss och termometern har krypit ner på -35 grader och kallare. Tillsammans med kylan framkommer en tyst och rogivande skönhet. det är som att världen drar in andan och håller den... i väntan på att få vakna upp på nytt. Idag termometern stigit upp till det lite mer humana -23, fortfarande kallt men inte så det nyper i kinderna.
The past week has been cold settled over us, and the thermometer has crawled down to -35 degrees and colder. Along with the cold front, is a quiet and peaceful beauty. It's like the world draws in breath and hold it... in waiting to wake up again.Today the thermometer has risen to a little more humane -23, still cold but not that it pinches the cheeks
The past week has been cold settled over us, and the thermometer has crawled down to -35 degrees and colder. Along with the cold front, is a quiet and peaceful beauty. It's like the world draws in breath and hold it... in waiting to wake up again.Today the thermometer has risen to a little more humane -23, still cold but not that it pinches the cheeks