En samlare är en samlare
Ett traktormuseum innehåller ju självklart traktorer. Ingen annan hade väl väntat sig något annat.
Däremot så är det många som förvånas över allt annat som finns inne i museet.
Inte bara maskiner, utan så mycket MYCKET mer.
Många har besökarna varit där man sett det maskinintresserade mannen gå runt och se överallt, både inne som ute. Deras fruar sittar utanför och ser smått uttråkade ut. När man har frågat om de sett de gamla bruksföremålen som finns där inne, som mjölkhämtare mm så ser de förvånade ut. Nej, det hade de inte ens föreställt sig att det skulle finnas.
Så för dig som vill se lite mer än bara maskiner, ta en runda in i museet. Titta kring, bord, skåp och naturligtvis väggar och tak. Ni kanske upptäcker en helt ny värld som ni inte förväntade er...
A tractor museum contains the obvious tractors. No one else had probably been
expecting something else. However, so many people are surprised by
everything that is in the museum.
Not only machines , but much MUCH more.
Of the many visitors who have been there, we seen the machine- interested man walk
around and wathing everywhere, both inside and out. Their wives sitting outside
looking a little bit bored . When i asked if they had seen the old industrial objects
in there that milk pail etc, they look surprised.No, they had not even
imagined that there would be anything like that here.
So if you want to see a bit more than just machines , take a round into the museum .
expecting something else. However, so many people are surprised by
everything that is in the museum.
Not only machines , but much MUCH more.
Of the many visitors who have been there, we seen the machine- interested man walk
around and wathing everywhere, both inside and out. Their wives sitting outside
looking a little bit bored . When i asked if they had seen the old industrial objects
in there that milk pail etc, they look surprised.No, they had not even
imagined that there would be anything like that here.
So if you want to see a bit more than just machines , take a round into the museum .
Look around , tables, cabinets , and of course the walls and ceiling .
You may discover a whole new world that you did not expect you